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Measurable savings, typically 5-10%, often much more

What will your savings be?

A Savings Analysis proves payback.

A SAVINGS ANALYSIS is a process where Optimal Answers works with you using your existing data to construct an evaluation database. With the database you can run scenarios comparing the cost or profit resulting from the current decision support method to that with Optimal. This proves savings and/or profit improvement!​

A SAVINGS ESTIMATE is similar to the Savings Analysis, but payback is determined by estimating the value of Optimal optimization functionality not available in your current decision support means that intuitively enable achieving savings and/or profit improvement.​

Optimal Answers offers FREE TRIALS for many of its Optimal solutions. We ask the following of those requesting a free trial:

  • The entity requesting the trial will make one or more persons available during the trial period to do a thorough evaluation of the Optimal solution of interest.
  • That the entity requesting the trial have a purchase criterion that can be addressed during the trial period.
  • The entity requesting the trial agree to terms of the Optimal Answers subscription agreement.

These are not contractual requirements but rather good faith understandings.

A Short Demonstration Presents Information Relative To Formulating any application.

For more information,
a Free Savings Analysis and/or Free Trial, please Contact Us below.

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