Press Release
Gulfport, MS USA
09 October 2023

Opt-it! Campaign presents the benefits of decision optimization for business, government, and people.

Uncertain Times

AI learns from patterns in data, but in uncertain times like the current economy, decisions often lack clear patterns. When faced with uncertainty, optimization becomes crucial. Optimal Answers provides Decision

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Product Development

Product development can be a complex process, aiming for high quality and low cost simultaneously can be challenging. Regulatory constraints add another layer of complexity. Optimal Answers Decision Support software

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Get Empowered

Optimal Answers Decision Support Software empowers users to optimize manufacturing challenges while considering cost, quality, and regulatory compliance. Maximize your supply chain efficiency by signing up for a complimentary two-week

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Innovative Solutions

Optimal Answers is at the forefront of decision optimization, providing a wide array of innovative solutions. From Inventory Management & Procurement to Product Mix & Pricing, our offerings span Planning

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Snap To It

One of the best ways to cut out expenses is by having 100% clarity in business spending. With Optimal Answers Decision Support Software, answers appear in a snap! Easily examine

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Decisions Determine the Future!

Optimal Answers introduces a user-friendly Decision Optimization system, replacing error-prone spreadsheets. Decisions determine the future! Make sure you are making the right choices for your business. Join us for a

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Decision Optimization

Optimal Answers Software provides Decision Optimization technology, enabling users to achieve optimized performance. Think of Optimal as a GPS for decision makers. Simply Opt-It! and receive the optimized solution. See

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Maximize Profits

Optimal Answers software empowers users to enhance financial outcomes by optimizing sales, procurement, and production in a single computation, maximizing profits. This leads to a measurable profit increase of typically

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AI Investments Not Paying Off

According to #VentureBeat, in the race to adopt Al and gain a competitive edge, enterprises are making substantial investments. They are pouring millions of dollars (sometimes even billions) into high-performance

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Is AI Useless?

According to Fortune Magazine, AI is effectively ‘useless’—and it’s created a ‘fake it till you make it’ bubble that could end in disaster. Try Optimal Answers! Our decision optimization product

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Transportation Challenges

Challenges in the transportation sector revolve around optimizing the movement of goods and services efficiently and cost-effectively. By focusing on optimization, you can enhance your operations significantly. Ready to elevate

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Potential Challenges

Each step in the supply chain presents unique characteristics and potential challenges. As consumer expectations continue to rise, companies must operate their supply chains with maximum efficiency to meet the

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Improve Delivery Times

What’s the easiest way to improve delivery times while decreasing costs? Use Optimal Answers logistic applications for routing and shipping to help solve complex transportation problems. Sign up today for

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Optimal Answers offers optimized decision support solutions addressing common problems throughout business, government, and personal lives. Why wrestle with spreadsheets that can be problematic to get answers for your business?

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Let Optimal Answers support your business in exploring new avenues to comprehend its processes. Our optimized decision-based software applications efficiently deliver information and insights, ensuring you make well-informed decisions. Take

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Power and Speed

With Optimization, create various measurements of essential variables and solve problems with math you can’t see. Our applications offer significant power and speed, providing a competitive advantage. Sign up today

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Enhanced Efficiency

Optimization Decision Based Software enhances efficiency by performing tasks faster and more accurately than humans, allowing users to focus on complex problem-solving. Sign up for a free 2-week analysis to

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Math Based Decisions

You face challenging questions. Yet, most decision support means are flawed and provide suboptimal solutions: Guessing, spreadsheets, AI. Try Optimization! Forward focus math based decision making gets the job done

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Best Outcomes

There is power in Optimal Answers decision optimization software, enabling users to achieve the best possible outcomes among numerous feasible options while adhering to all decision parameters. Decision optimization offers

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Try It!

Optimal Answers, a leader in decision optimization solutions, wants you to try our decision optimization software for yourself to determine the Optimal benefits over other decision support means. We offer

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Numerous Sectors

You already know all about your supply chain. It cuts across numerous sectors from manufacturing, retail, transportation, technology to many more different entities, such as suppliers, producers, and retailers. But

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Stream Line Your Processes

Being able to implement stream-lined processes or reporting across the board saves your company money. Optimization software is the clear winner here as you can compare costs in seconds as

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Speed and Accuracy

Optimal Answers software revolutionizes decision-making by replacing error-prone spreadsheets with an easy-to-use, optimization-driven Decision Optimization system. The speed and accuracy it offers are unmatched by traditional spreadsheets. Experience the difference

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Substantial Benefits

Optimal Answers is the go-to company for decision optimized solutions. Our software applications aim to demonstrate the substantial benefits of decision optimization across various sectors, including business, government and personal

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Optimization Solutions

Optimal Answers provides top-notch decision optimization solutions, catering to a wide range of decision support requirements. Users of their applications usually achieve savings of 5-10%, and sometimes even more. You

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Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management demands a myriad of talents for operational oversight, data analysis, and strategic planning to meet ongoing demands efficiently. Looking to enhance operational efficiency, streamline processes, and boost

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Shocks and Disruptions

Logistic challenges like environmental restrictions, delays, rising freight costs, sourcing difficulties, and labor shortages can make finding solutions daunting. Can your business withstand shocks and minimize disruptions while staying profitable?

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Best Decision Support

You face challenging questions. Yet, most decision support means are flawed and provide suboptimal solutions. AI does not work well using forward focused, math-based decisions. Spreadsheets often contain hidden errors

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Industries Evolve

As industries evolve due to technology, demographics, and government policies, supply chains and operations need to adapt for improved performance and innovation. Instead of relying solely on spreadsheets for solutions,

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Supply Chain Challenges

If you’re a supply chain manager, the pressure of staying ahead of the competition, juggling multiple initiatives, and navigating through constant disruptions is real. Finding the right balance between profitability,

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Optimized Savings Analysis

Why do you need an Optimized Savings Analysis? To see if the proposed approach produces better decisions that result in improved performance. Why rely on guessing or spreadsheets which can

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Global Network

The food industry is a multifaceted and global network encompassing a wide array of businesses. From small, traditional, family-run operations to large, mechanized industrial processes, the industry is incredibly diverse.

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Optimize Your Resources!

You face challenging questions about your supply chain. How can you easily and effectively manage improve supply chain, manage supply risk more, and protect revenue and reputation? Optimize your resources!

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Optimization and Logistics

With the rise of modern technology and interconnected digital systems, handling large amounts of data has never been more crucial. Leveraging cloud services, smart technologies, or AI are all viable

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Spreadsheet Reference Errors

Most spreadsheet errors stem from math and reference errors, often hidden and challenging to detect. With an error rate of about 1% per cells, even a 10 by 10 matrix

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The Opt-it! Campaign presents the benefits of decision optimization. Optimal means “as perfect as possible.” Decision optimization means to make a decision as perfect as possible, that is, selecting the single best solution among many feasible solutions that comply with all decision rules. Decision optimization typically achieves for users measurable financial and other benefits.

The campaign presents examples of decision support needs throughout business, government, and personal lives; explains differences among decision support means; and, offers decision optimization software applications for evaluation.

Campaign Overview

The Opt-it! Campaign explains decision optimization with examples such as decisions for what to buy, what to sell, which plan to pursue, how to schedule, etc.

The Campaign compares various decision support means including guessing, spreadsheets, artificial intelligence, and ERP systems. Discussed is avoiding suboptimal solutions from decision optimization systems addressing only a portion of the actual decision.

The Campaign provides sample decision optimization applications for evaluation. These applications include Inventory Management and/or Procurement, Product Mix and/or Pricing, Shipping, Supply Chain Planning, Production Scheduling, Routing, Seating, and Purchasing.

About Optimal Answers

Optimal Answers is the Go To Company for Decision Optimization Solutions. Optimal Answers has a broad family of Decision Optimization Applications addressing most any type of common decision support need. Optimal Applications achieve savings, typically 5-10%, often more. What will your savings be? A Savings Analysis proves payback.

Optimal Answers, Inc.
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PHONE: 1 (800) 482-5250.

Daily Topics

Introducing Optimal – Decision Optimization Solutions

  • Decision Optimization Introduction
  • Decision Examples
  • Decision support means
  • The benefits of optimization
  • Optimal Family of Decision
  • Optimization Applications; Evaluation