Savings Analysis
What will your Savings Be?
“To achieve the greatest savings you must solve the problem with an applicable mathematical model and with an optimization-based solver.”
Demonstrating saving is important in various scenarios. Optimal Answers encourages you to do a savings analysis to discover the potential value of Optimal applications by comparing them to existing methods. Subsequently, you are likely to have occasion to defend recommendations based on model results that run counter to established practices. In either case, the approach is the same.
The purpose of doing a savings analysis is to see if the proposed approach produces better decisions that result in improved performance, reduce costs, and, ultimately, increased contribution to profit. Comparing the cost of some unit of activity using the existing decision-making process with the Optimal produced solution provides a good measure of what savings can be expected. Existing practices have evolved under the guidance of knowledgeable people, so they are expected to be quite good in all respects; it is always interesting to see how the Optimal results compare.
The approach is to generate a Base-case solution using existing methods and an Optimized solution using Optimal, then produce Comparison Reports that demonstrate and document the savings. Select a unit of work for the comparison. To assure “a level playing field”, Optimal is used to compute the cost of the existing approach using the same data used in the Optimal approach.
Savings Analysis Nutrition Bar Recipe
Report Example
Evaluation Subscription
Optimal Answers offers an evaluation subscription to prospects who wish to evaluate the technology with the intent to purchase based on a successful experience with the program. The free evaluation subscription is an excellent opportunity to confirm that Optimal generates savings and be easy to implement.
- Demonstrates Functionality.
You get to see that Optimal has money-saving functionality that is probably not available in your current decision support tools.
- Demonstrates Savings.
Optimal Answers will assist you in performing a Savings Analysis. The analysis is typically a comparison between your current plan and a plan developed by the Optimal application. You will receive instruction on its operation from our website as well as individual instruction from Optimal team members. We will work with you to demonstrate various scenarios.